We will analyze the activities of local businesses, focusing on their environmental impact and sustainability, and examine the social and governance impacts of investments, helping them to better adapt to changing climate conditions.

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Description of service

What is ESG?

What is ESG?

ESG ( Environmental, Social and Governance) is a holistic strategy for a company or an organization that includes environmental, social and governance standards. ESG manages the impact of a company and its activities on the environment, people and the economy.

An ESG strategy includes the following sub-themes:

  • Environment: climate change, pollution, water and marine resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, resource use and circular economy.
  • Social: working conditions, equal treatment and other employment-related rights of its workforce, workers in the value chain, affected communities, consumers and end-users.
  • Governance: labour law, responsible supply chain management, corporate culture and ethics, corruption management.

Why do you need ESG?

Why do you need ESG?

ESG information is already disclosed in many countries, and with the new requirements of the European Union, it will become mandatory for Estonian companies with more than 250 employees. At the same time, ESG information, including on sustainable investments, will also have to be disclosed by banks and all larger companies, which may mean that small and medium sized enterprises may also need to disclose ESG information in order to qualify for funding and state support.

What do we offer?

What do we offer?

We offer assistance in setting up a corporate ESG strategy. We analyse local energy consumption and footprint, study the environmental impact of investments and help adapt to changing climate conditions with a focus on sustainability. We can help you with:

  • mapping the current situation;
  • developing metrics;
  • stakeholder mapping and engagement;
  • calculating the carbon footprint;
  • identifying resource efficiency and best practices;
  • risk analyses;
  • action planning and roadmapping.

Our clients

More than 250 organizations from the private and public sectors have worked with Energex.

Wood industry

Food industry

Metal industry

Printing industry

Plastic industry

Chemical industry

Paper industry

Furniture industry

Mining industry




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