Energy and resource audit

With the energy and resource audit, we enable industrial companies to apply for grants of up to €1 million to optimize energy saving and resource use.

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resource efficiency projects


more resource savings than originally planned

0.9 years

project payback time with grant

Description of service

What is an energy and resource audit?

What is an energy and resource audit?

The main purpose of an audit is to identify concerns and problems related to energy and resource use in industry. A resource audit maps the current situation and proposes possible solutions and investments to the client, together with economic calculations. The end result is a clear overview of where, when and what investments should be done.

How does resource audit process look like?

How does resource audit process look like?
  • Sending a resource and energy use information request to the company and analyzing the initial information.
  • A meeting with the client to review the company’s production process;
  • Mapping of possible development activities in cooperation with the client;
  • Data analysis, action and project design.

Grant for the audit

Grant for the audit

There is a grant available through the Environmental Investment Centre for the preparation of a resource audit.

Grant amount:

  • €4265.70 for the preparation of a comprehensive audit;
  • €7045.60 for a detailed audit of a small enterprise;
  • €8675.20 for a detailed audit of a medium-sized or large enterprise.

Read more: Grant for resource audit.

Grant for the implementation of investments

Grant for the implementation of investments

For the implementation of the activities outlined in the resource audit, it is possible to apply for a grant through the Environmental Investment Centre. The exact conditions of the grant will depend on the open grant round. In addition, a “do no significant harm” assessment of the project is required.

For example:

  • to purchase or replace equipment with more innovative and resource efficient equipment;
  • for the purchase of equipment to make use of own production residues and to reduce the use of primary and increase the use of secondary raw materials in the production process;
  • to introduce a resource-efficient information and communication technology solution.

Read more: Resource efficiency support.


Our clients

Companies with more than 250 employees worldwide, plus those with a turnover of more than €50 million and a balance sheet total of more than €43 million, are required by law to have an energy audit every 4 years. Click on the icon to read more.

Wood industry

Food industry

Metal industry

Printing industry

Plastic industry

Chemical industry

Paper industry

Furniture industry

Mining industry




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