Development plans and strategies

We draw up a roadmap of desired development opportunities and technical feasibility to help decide whether and how it is most practical and sustainable to proceed.

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development plans and strategies

Description of the service

Do you want to develop your business or project but don't know where to start? Our development planning service provides you with clear and effective guidance on how to achieve your goals in a structured and efficient way.

Our experience

Our experience

Our consultants will work with your team to understand your business’ needs, challenges and goals, and then create a customized development plan that includes practical steps and clear targets to ensure your business thrives. Our experience and expertise in these fields enable us to provide high-level advice and tailored solutions to your specific needs and goals, helping you to achieve success and sustainability in your business.

So far, we have successfully designed a wide range of strategic plans, including:

  1. Heat management plans: We have developed efficient and sustainable plans for optimizing heat production and consumption, and for the development of thermal energy systems.
  2. Climate and energy plans: We have helped clients design and implement energy policies and measures to meet the challenges of climate change that support sustainable development and environmental benefits.
  3. Renewable energy and electricity strategies: We have designed sustainability strategies that focus on electrification and renewable energy adoption, and support our clients in achieving carbon neutrality goals by integrating social, environmental and economic aspects into their operations.

What is a heat management development plan?

What is a heat management development plan?

A heat management development plan is a strategic document drawn up for one or more network areas and covering a period of at least 10 years. An important part of its preparation is an analysis of the development perspectives of the network areas, which allows municipalities to make well-informed decisions on infrastructure development.

The following key subjects are included in the heat management development plan:

  • Comparison of district heating and local heating: The document proposes a recommendation on whether to continue developing district heating or to switch partly or completely to local heating solutions, based on an analysis of the development prospects of the network area.
  • Analysis of the options for heat supply development: The analysis of the different options for heat supply, including the technical feasibility of maintaining the current heat supply scheme and the analysis of alternative heat supply solutions in the context of the use of different energy sources.
  • Economic viability: In order to assess the options for heat supply, their long-term economic viability will be examined, which will help to make informed investment decisions.
  • Recommended action plan: The final stage of the development plan will deliver an indicative action plan to support decision making and guide the planning and implementation of future actions.

In summary, the heat management development plan provides a thorough overview of the heat supply situation and development opportunities in the network area and offers practical guidelines and recommendations for the future.

What is a climate and energy plan?

What is a climate and energy plan?

A climate and energy plan is an essential strategic planning tool to set, analyse and achieve climate and energy efficiency goals. Preparing a plan involves providing a realistic overview of the current situation, highlighting the main issues of concern and a broad analysis that takes into account the combination of different aspects.

Climate and energy plan will help:

  • A thorough analysis: taking into account the impact of different sectors and aspects and identifying key issues and opportunities.
  • Diverse implementation: Mapping key actions and areas that are important to achieve the goals, and ensuring the applicability of the plan to different stakeholders.

The results of the Climate and Energy Plan can be used not only by municipalities, but also by businesses, energy producers, network operators, educational institutions and other stakeholders in planning their activities.

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